Peace and Adventure
March 19, 2006 - 6:53 p.m.






I was thinking today.

I came to the realization, as Candace and I were speeding along a lovely, lonely stretch of highway sandwiched between a couple mountains, that the two things I desire most in my life are Peace, and Adventure.

Sounds kind of silly, doesn't it?

Most of my thoughts are about one or the other.

Leaving here, going elsewhere, meeting new people: Adventure.

Finding someplace quiet, someplace untouched, someplace away from everything: Peace.

It's weird to think about now.

I've always had a crazy desire to join a monestary, except for the fact I'm not religious.

I just have this ingrained image in my head of once, in Victoria, looking across a busy, multilaned street to see this old church with a low wrought iron fence, sandwiched between two very modern buildings.

And there was this monk (at least, I think he was a monk; he was dressed in a plain brown robe, sandals and a rope belt) just quietly sweeping the cobblestones in front of the church.

He looked peaceful.

I want that kind of peace.

But on the other hand, I also want adventure.

Weird combination.


