A headache, and work
April 21, 2006 - 2:48 p.m.






Yesterday I celebrated thoroughly and utterly.

So I was stoned for, like, eight hours.

It was grand.

On the other hand, I woke up this morning, early, early, because I was thrashing.

I was having a dream (which I don't remember any of, just vague colours) where I was in a lot of pain.

And then I woke up, and I was *still* in a lot of pain.

I had a migraine. My eyes felt like they were going to explode. The light hurt my eyes, but covering my eyes (thus putting pressure on them) hurt too.

I ended up tearing through all the drawers in the bathroom and swallowing a couple of Kelly's migraine painkillers (I told her when I woke up, and she as glad I found them).

But I'd overeaten the day before (munchies), so my stomach was still full, so it took almost fourty-five minutes for the painkillers to kick in.

Loren says I was thrashing and making little noises, but I remember concentrating really hard on relaxing (in case it was a tension headache), and mentally smoothing out the pain (which works sometimes, or at least helps).

Anyway, the moment the painkillers kicked in, I remember giving a mental sigh and then nothing else.

That was at about 7am this morning. Now it's almost 3pm. I can feel the pressure in my skull again; I think I better beg a couple more painkillers from Kelly.


I got called in to work today, because the regular night guy twisted his ankle.

So I work 4pm-12am.

And also, Harvey from the theatre called me, asking for a Meeting.

What about? I don't know.

"A good meeting, or a bad meeting?" I said with some concern.

"Oh, a good meeting," says Harvey.

Which gives me heart. Maybe they have a permenant position for me! Or more work, in any case. That would be good.

We shall see, mes amies.

I better take some more painkillers.


