Planting strawberries...
May 09, 2006 - 3:08 p.m.






I just planted all the strawberries (out back, because Loren insisted that the beds out the front were flower beds, not strawberry beds, and were never meant to have strawberries).

I didn't really care where they were planted, so long as they had a lot of sun, but with Loren's fuss, and the fact the front beds have plastic sheets and woodchips down on them (as well as a ton of hardy dandilions), I decided what the hell, I'll plant 'em in the back.

Half the bed that I dug was sandy, which dissapointed me, but I quickly realized carrots would do amazingly well there. They like deep, loose, sandy soil apparently.

So I planted strawberries AND carrots. (There was fortunately enough room for both.)

I should have planted the strawberries earlier, but I'm kind of glad I didn't, because it hailed like mad the other day and these plants are young and tender.

I'm tempted to suggest we plant the peas or beans around the dead (and very artistic looking) tree in the back yard.

Mind you, Kelly wanted to plant some flowering vine, which would also be amazing, but I've heard the landlady might come and cut the tree down (it is very, very dead with not even a hint of life).

Who knows.

I gotta work soon, so I go.


Rosemart the Destroyer.
