Shopping and Christmas and what-not
December 13, 2006 - 10:37 a.m.






I stayed up late finishing Snow Crash, by Neal Stephenson last night.

It was good. Cyberpunk.

I like Cyberpunk books. This one was particularely well written, though had a chunk of information in the middle that was, while interesting in itself, kind of boring considering the rest of the book.

Kind of like 1984. The book within a book in the middle is interesting in and of itself, but kind of throws the pace of the story off.

Still, both books are very popular. 1984 more so, but you can still buy new copes of most of Neal Stephenson's books.

Check out Snow Crash if you get a chance, and happen to like Cyberpunk.

Speaking of books, I'm at a loss of what to do today.

I want to paint, but I'd like to get some magazines to clip ideas from (I usually raid recycling bins, and I don't know of any nearby). I could go out and buy some magazines, but I'm trying to cut down on my spending habits.

I want to go Christmas shopping, but I can't decide which mall (in order to maximize the stores I'd like to go to, while minimizing the number of transit tickers I have to use).

I want to sew, but honestly, I have other things I should be doing.

I dunno.

And in other news: I have no idea what to get Tyne for Christmas! I loathe the idea that I feel obligated to buy somebody something, but it's not really obligation. I do actually want to get her something...but what?

I'm thinking I'll make her a belly button ring with the original Hitchhiker's Guide green alien.

But how?

Ah, I don't know.

Anyway, I go. Breakfast!


