Fashion and fashion and fashion
January 02, 2007 - 12:10 a.m.






I'm really feeling the urge to create clothing these days.

I think this year is going to be a good year for clothing for me, even if I don't wear any of it (Tyne said she'd be my doll, but didn't promise to wear anything more than once, which is reasonable I think).

I wish I had more training in the fabric arts, but I don't. I just have to work with what I have.

My mother bought me a book, 'The Medieval Tailor's Assistant', for Christmas. I think it will be invaluable not only for creating garb, but for doing some of my own clothing (some tailored jackets, fitted dresses, etc).

I bought myself a tailor's ham a while ago. I haven't used it yet. I don't even have an ironing board (I use a pad of material on the table; it isn't perfect, but better than nothing).

Thinks I would like to purchase in this coming year:

Dress dummy in my size, or adjustable (this is definately at the top of my list).

Serger (this is a very, very close second; it's only second because I really need a good dress dummy, to do proper fitting clothes for myself).

Ironing board.

Big sewing basket (for my littler stuff, like pins, and zippers, and thread, of which I have amassed a startlingly large amount).

Shelves to store my material.


The last two are debatable. I have totes in which I carry my material, and rubbermaid drawers to keep my notions, but it's pretty jumbled, and I wish I had something that kept it better.

Oh well.

I have so many thoughts on clothes, especially for myself (I'm large enough that I'm breaching on the rectangular-cut-fat-woman's-clothing, which is really not flattering on my otherwise reasonably flattering figure).

Thinking about clothes, I realize there's very limited fashion that looks very good on me.

Ah well. Soon there will be more! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!

The Evil Overlord of Fashion.



PS, In other news, my hats have gone over spectacularely well in Nelson. I get a much warmer, more personal response from people around here than I have in Calgary (though people laugh and point a lot more openly in Calgary; people here just grin, and shrug it off).
