Beef and candle pillars
February 11, 2007 - 5:09 p.m.






So I got a call last night from Little Jen (who I used to hang out with up in Red Deer) and Justin (again, from Red Deer, though he lives here now).

"Come over! We have food!"

So I figured, what the hell. Even though Justin kind of makes me squirm, it's better than being lonely.

Well, it was nice. Food was good. We drank cheap wine and I had some vodka while they drank beer. Smoked a bit of bad pot. Chattered about crap.

Justin, predictably, made a few passes at me, which I intentionally avoided or brushed off. I think he and Jen are together, though. I don't know what he was hoping for. I'd do Jen, but not him.

Anyway, crashed on the couch. It was the softest thing I'd slept on in months, and it kind of made my back hurt. Oh well. It was a weird, but decent sleep.

Justen made breakfast in the morning. Jen and I played with his PS2. Then I bussed home.

Justin amuses me. He...I don't know how to describe it.

He tries hard to be 'hard core'.

He thinks the tackiest things are cool. resin pillars with candles on top.

Badly cast wine glasses, which he treats them like fine crystal.

It's kind of funny to me. I didn't say anything, of course. The steak was top notch, though.

At least he knows his beef.

Oh well. I don't know what I'm thinking of anymore. I'm gonna go give Loren a dingle, and see how he's doing. I haven't heard from him in a long time.


