Fond creamy memories
February 28, 2007 - 11:13 a.m.






So I have drank all my nice chocolate milk without doubling over in agony.

I am heartened!

Perhaps this means I can eat cereal again (it just isn't the same without milk). Next time I head up to the health food store, I will purchase some regular milk, and see how that goes.

Maybe, then, cereal!

I must be excited about this, because I had a dream about it last night.

I wonder why I have such an adverse reaction to, say, Dairyland chocolate milk, but this stuff is okay?

I mean, I know my body doesn't exactly like it. I get cramps as soon as it hits my stomach, but they're pittance compared to the agony that regular chocolate milk puts me in to. And I don't get gas from the nice stuff, have to spend a great deal of time in the bathroom.


My mom used to buy farm milk. We would get a giant pickle jar of it once a week, and dish it out with a ladle. My mother would skim the cream off (I don't think she ever used it, but she didn't want us drinking it), except there was always a skin of cream left which I always tried to nick for my cereal. Shreddies with creamy milk was my favorite. Or fresh cream on my porridge. That was lovely.

Enough reminiscing about cream.

I'm gonna go do...stuff. Yeah.


