The hardest part about all the fish in the sea, is catching the slimy little buggers
April 29, 2007 - 1:20 a.m.






Beltaine was good!

I talked to Cormac a lot (his lady wasn't there, and he didn't want to sit with her friends, so I invited him to sit with me...which ended up being a bit tough because I was on retinue and he wasn't, but we eventually sorted things out). It was good to catch up with Cormac.

Across the table from Cormac was Ellias who (is heart-stoppingly beautiful) I actually talked to.

Brownie points for me!

By the end of the night, we were on verbal threats (pertaining to Age of Empires 2, and how he's gonna get pwned at it by me) and physical abuse (fucker body checked me during a dance, when I wasn't even his partner! I guess I deserved it, though, considering I did it to him first...but he kicked me in the bum!...but I might have tried pushing him over during a bransle...etc, etc, etc...).

Yeah. I totally ended up with his phone number and MSN address (funny how times have changed).

I gotta install AoE2 back on my computer, because I think we're gonna play tomorrow night.

And I'm gonna beat him.

Actually, we were discussing tactics earlier, and I think he might just maybe might possibly *just* be able to beat me...

I'll humiliate him good first, though.

(Oh, yeah, and he totally drove me home after the event, too.)

(I win!)


