Fires, drug dealers and heart attacks
July 12, 2007 - 11:43 a.m.






Yesterday Tyne pokes her head into my room and sniffs the air.

"Are you burning something" she asks, and I reply negative, so she wanders away. She reappears a couple minutes later, frowning.

"I think our building is on fire," she says, to which I gracefully reply: "Whaaaaaa? Noooooo..."

We both pop out on the balcony and she points way, way up. I look. I don't see anything, except everybody else on their balconies also looking up. And a half dozen fire trucks clustered around the base if our building.

There's a crowd of people down on the roof of the neighboring building, looking up, so I yell to them:


"I DON'T KNOW!" is yelled back.

Just then, a stream of water shoots off one of the upper balconies, showering the cars below.

"YES!" is promptly yelled back up to us.

Just then, four cops on bikes pull up. Tyne and I both thought they were probably here to clear our the building.

But no.


The four cops charge into the covered parking area right below our balcony and drag out two black guys and a white guy.

All three are cuffed without a fight, and their pockets emptied all over the asphalt.

We didn't see any drugs, but were pretty far up (seven stories).

One of the guys had an inhaler, though. Like for asthma.

One of the other guys was carrying a knife as long as my forearm.

Silly man. Carry concealed knives is illegal!

So all three got tossed in a police van (which showed up while the guys were still on the ground).

Man. Cops on bikes may look like dorks, but I wouldn't wanna fuck with them.

Just as that excitement was winding down, the firemen got bored and pulled out their Super Long Arm of Apartment Rescuing Doom. That is, this enormously long hydraulic arm that could, at full extension, reach to the top of our building (32 stories!). I think they were just using it to pull debris out of the apartment that burnt. Or they were bored, because it was such a small fire, and seriously, they showed up with at least four fire trucks I could see, including the one that carried this arm thing, so they might as well have some fun while they were here.

Man. Theatres need an arm like that. It would make hanging lights over already built sets possible.


That was my excitement for yesterday.

Oh, and some lady had a heart attack at Stampede as we were setting up.

Well, not really sure if it was a heart attack. Personally, I think it was heat exhaustion, but I didn't see it.

Sooooo...what ever. I hope she's okay.

And that's all, folks.


