A short giddy spin on Paul
October 29, 2007 - 12:33 a.m.






I do not understand Paul. Perhaps I never will. I do not understand why he likes me, and I can't help but adore him.

It feels like a thread attached to my chest, joining me and him. Do I know if he feels the same? No, I don't. Which is why this thread scares me, but I can'twon't cut it.

I can't stay mad at him. My usual livid wrath cools in his presence, which could be a bad thing, but is mostly a good thing.

I am happy when I'm around him, I cannot help but smile after talking to him on the phone.

The initial giddy lust has faded (we don't boink every time we see each other, but I'm quite alright with that), but damn, I still think he's the most attractive man around.

I find myself growing more fond, not less, as the New Relationship Excitement wears off. I really hope he feels the same way.

How long has it been now?

Since we went on our first date, about six months.

Since he looked over at me and said "So...you wanna go out?" only about three months.

I still can't believe he gave me his phone number.


