Archives are all cleaned up
March 05, 2008 - 9:44 p.m.







Would you believe I just spent the last hour wrestling with HTML?

Well, I did. I was wandering around other people's diaries and realized what a sorry state mine is in.

Thus, I scrapped the old broken design on my archives page, recoded this design to fit it, and sorted all my old entries into archives.

I have everything organized now, right back to the beginning.

I even read some of my entries from 2000.

My. God.

I was a very different person then.

It's interesting to read entries back from when I was still friends with Laura. We were very much the same then. We are very different now.

And there are so, so many words. And I typed every single one of them.

I always have had a vague dream to be an author. I have a journal next to my bed in which I've taken to writing a short scene in before I sleep.

I read books on how to write (and *enjoy* them for the most part), and all of them say: "Write every day. It doesn't matter what, it doesn't matter if you're not inspired, just write."

I wonder if this journal counts?

My style has definitely settled over the years.

I wonder if I would like myself if I met the younger me as I am today.

Back then I liked dancing, ice cream, twisting boys around my fingers.

Today, I like drinking gin and tonics in the bath, eating fish, and avoiding love.

I don't eat ice cream anymore. Not so much, anyway. It does horrible things to my stomach, and then I spend time in the bathroom.


Just weird.

I'm still going through old entries.
