Delicious taxes and my failure at being a self-sustaining adult
April 07, 2008 - 9:20 p.m.








I'm not a very responsible adult.

In fact, I have a disgustingly difficult time functioning as an independent adult.

Note in point: my father still does my taxes, and I'm twenty-three.

I feel a little pathetic, honestly.

Well, truly, I feel like I'm mentally stunted. I've often felt that way. I don't relate well to people my age, or people in general, frankly. I have a hard time slipping into social norms, and tend to say what ever comes to mind, because I have never been happy censoring my thoughts or my mouth (within reason; I tend to stay quiet until I know someone's boundaries, then just cut loose).

I am not unhappy. Mostly just confused. I wish I knew why people wanted the husband, 2.5 children, dog and suburban house. Sometimes I wish I could be happy with that; life would be so much simpler.

But I'm not happy with that. I am restless and chaotically artistic (my roommate can attest to the chaotic part).

It took me several years longer to adjust to the idea of Having a Job, and Paying My Bills, and Using Credit Responsibly (which I've done alright with, but I'm not perfect).

Where was I going with this?

Oh yes. I suck at being an adult.

Thus, my father filed my taxes for me, because I hadn't filed them in several years (mostly due to misplaced T4's, and I didn't know I could get reprints).

He MSN'd me today asking for my bank account number so he could deposit the cheques that came in the mail.

So I asked how much I'd gotten.

Come Wednesday, I shall be a little over $1000 richer.


I am not going to spend it on anything stupid (though I admit the temptation to buy a iPod...a used iPod of modest memory, but an iPod nonetheless).

I am going to hold on to it for if/when I move to Vancouver. It will help a great deal. That, coupled with the money I hope to get from the Stampede gig, and I will have about $2000 under my belt.

That's perfect. :) I just gotta find all my T4's for my 2007 taxes...


