Of geek boys and painkillers
April 14, 2008 - 9:48 a.m.






Best weekend EVAR.

Jared phoned me Friday afternoon.

"Hey. I'm heading through Calgary. You have half an hour to convince your boss to let you off work tomorrow."

I doubted she'd let me off, but after some careful questioning, I discovered that all we were doing was show on Saturday (which consists of turning the lights on, reading my book for an hour, and then turning them off), and I already had Sunday off.

So after some careful ass-kissing, and promises to come in for extra time this week, she let me off on Saturday.

I called Jared back and told him I could come, but had to wait until I got off work (I didn't want to push my luck).

Jared swings by, picks me up, and we head up to Red Deer.

Friday night it was me, Ryan, Jared, Thinko, Fydo, and Burn.

There was much gaming. I got my ass handed to me frequently, probably because I was drinking and trying to learn new games.

About 4am, I passed out on the livingroom floor for a solid type of sleep.

Morning comes. Lots of people head out for the day, to return in the evening.

I'm still sleeping.

Jared goes to visit his parents.

Still sleeping.

Doorbell rings.

I figure I should open in in case it's Jared and he's gotten locked out.

I get up -- and as my friends will know, I tend to sleep in the buff -- wrap a blanket around myself, and whip open the door.

To discover a guy I've never seen before in my life.

"Uh--" he says, eloquently.

"Hello," I mumble, still mostly asleep.

"I'm here for Ryan's LAN party?" He seems a little terrified, and very unsure.

"Oh," says I, backing away from the door and waving vaguely at the basement stairs. "Yeah. All the computers are downstairs."

He runs to his car to grab his tower and then returns. He is watching me out of the corners of his eyes.

"Are you Ryan's wife?" (Ryan has a fiencee, not a wife, but I decide not to correct him.)

"Nah," I say, sitting on the floor and still only wrapped in a blanket. "I'm the token female."

He can't quite seem to wrap his mind around that.

"I got things to do," he says as he's closing the door. "I'll be back later tonight."

"Good," say I. "Then I'll kick your ass at some games."

"Yeah?" he half laughs, thinking I'm joking. Then, "Yeah!"

Ryan spent most of the night trying to push me and this guy (Kevin, I think) together.

Kevin's too young for me, I think. Not just physically, but mentally. That, and he's about half my size. I am not comfortable dating men who are that much smaller than I am.

That's life, though.

And now, I have a ferocious headache for which I've been popping painkillers for all day. It was so bad, it woke me up last night, and I ended up sleeping through the staff meeting this morning (for which I felt like an ass for; my boss let me off on Saturday, the least I could have done was show up for the staff meeting).

Ah well.

I can feel the pressure going behind my eye again. It's time for another painkiller.


