Does what one can.
March 11, 2009 - 9:54 p.m.






At archery tonight I got a big scare when I inspected my bow.

See, it's not my bow, per se. It's Bazz's. He has lent it to me indefinitely, providing I take care of it, until his children are old enough to draw it.

But when I inspected it today, I noticed some flaking varnish on the body. In a panic, I showed it to Gareth, who suggested we talk to Brian, the big bow guy around.

So I took it downstairs, already starting a cold sweat, and put the bow on the counter.

Brian took a look at it and waved it off.

"Just the varnish," he said. "No need to worry. Just drop a little superglue in there just to seal up the wood, and it'll be fine."

Whew. made me realize that if I were to break this bow, I do not have the money to replace it, and buy myself a new bow.

I'm going to sell the cheap bow I found at Value Village to Kathy for $60, and put that towards a new bow.

Gareth says I can get a bow good enough to take me through to Grandmaster with about $160-$180.

That's less than I was thinking. Still...I can't afford one right now, not with everything else I want to do. I have to make a separate fund for my bow.

I was thinking maybe...maybe selling cookies at the next tavern, or something. A buck or two a pop, and get some extra cash that way.


I don't know.


I want to do so much, but am so limited by time and money.

I will do what I can, though.


