Discontent, talented?, and G
November 03, 2009 - 7:29 p.m.






I've been feeling a creeping dissatisfaction lately.

The winds of change, they're a-blowing and tugging at my hemline.

I can't pinpoint it. I'm just...restless. Moody. Temperamental. Longing for more adventure than I've found around here.

I feel like I've tapped out the bulk of adventure that can be found here.

Not to say it's all gone, oh no. I've just found most of it. The mystery is gone. I've ridden nearly every damned bus line, many of them all the way around.

I've traveled end to end on the trains, I've met every local SCAdian, become friends with some of them and enemies with others.

I've learned archery, gotten into a solid place in my career, gotten furniture.

And I want to ditch the lot of it and go on another adventure.


Vancouver. New Zealand. On the cruise ships.

I don't know.


No, not anywhere.

Somewhere rife with adventure, with new faces and problems and duties. New weather, new animals, new relatives.

I'm drinking too much here. It was not always so, but it is now. That is usually a sign that I'm unhappy.

I drink less when I'm happy.

There is rum in my hot chocolate tonight, and a purring warmth in my veins.


I'm doing a lot of styrofoam carving at work lately. I likes it.

I'm working on my second toad gargoyle. I think I might try to steal one when the show is done.

"Are you good at everything?" Carrie asks me as she watches me glue foam warts onto my toad's face.

I shrug.

"I don't know how to knit," I admit after a moment's thought. "Or upholster sofas, for that matter. And I know absolutely nothing about stain."

She laughs, wryly. "That's it?"

I shrug and grin and continue working.

She sighs theatrically. "I'm going to have to hate you now, Rosie."

I also sigh, a great heaving thing. "If you must."


G calls me, leaves a voicemail.

"Where are you?" He sounds intentionally whiny, needy. Normally that would annoy me, but I laugh. "It's G...I'll call again later."

He hasn't, not yet.

I kind of hope he will.


