The birth of Aurora
October 15th 2000 - 2:20am






Yay! New entry.

Let's see...Oh, it was my birthday last Wednesday! It was. And I had a good birthday...

Friday was strange, though. You know it was the thirteenth, right? Anyway, Friday morning I use up the 13th clip on my bus pass, get on the bus numbered 67/13/, and go to school. There I open my locker 1313 (it seriously is!), and one of the numbers in my combo is 13. At English class the first handout we get handout 10, lesson 3...

And there was a *gasp* /staff meeting/...

Creepy or what?...I thought that was slightly strange. But by lunch, everything was back to 'normal'. Or as normal as we can get.

Friday night was amusing. Went to my friend Kristal's place. Decked people out in henna designs. I'm getting pretty decent at it. It's not as good as most of the stuff I've seen, but it's pretty. :P

Kristal leant me a tight little blue number that was skin tight and short, even without the slits. That, plus Sarah's six inch heels and the right attitude shocked all my friends right out of their pants. I mean, I like to excentuate my bustal area, but I dislike my legs and never bare them. But with no tights (not even fishnet), I had to bare my legs. *sigh* That's what got them. And the fact I let my hair down. I *never* let my hair down. Sure, it's pretty, but it gets fuzzy really fast.

Heehee. You shoulda seen their jaws drop to the floor. 'Specially Matt's. He's a friend of mine, who's currently dating Sarah (who's shoes I was wearing). His jaw dropped the farthest. I suppose he never realized just how sexy I could look/act when I really wanted to. ;) Heck, I think the pole-dancing was a little too much for that poor soul...I regret it all slightly because Sarah got mildly irritated over the fact that Matt was paying too much attention to me...but it really was a major ego boost, 'cause I just /never/ get looks like that.

And I've come to one conclusion: women may not always /be/ good at playing pool, but we sure /look/ good playing pool. (I mean, come /on/. How many guys out there can argue with a woman willingly sticking her little rounded behind in the air, curving her back just /so/, wiggling a couple of times and bending /way/ over for you?)

Me, signing off to bed. :)

