Pain and Theatre
October 18th 2000 - About 12:00






Ooo. In severe pain here. Just got my freakin' period and I'm got two freakin' uteri (no kidding! I really do!) so I get two freakin' periods at the same time which equals twice the freakin' blood and twice the freakin' pain...Hee. I just made myself feel better by saying 'freakin'' a whole lot.

I'm easily amused. Can you tell?

Anyway, the past few days have been busy routine. I hate routine. But it gives me something to do. Jazz choir, voice lessons, pantomime rehursel, and opera rehursel tonight (after Jazz choir again). But I like singing. I really do. I want to be better so I can get a better part in next year's summer youth theatre program at the local theatre. Funfunfunfun. Youth theatre is quite entertaining. Corrupting, but entertaining. (I mean, the police caught us twice...possibly three times within the last two years skinny dipping in the lake at Lakeside Park. I mean, that's pretty stupid to begin with because Lakeside Park is right next to the RCMP station -- kind of like FBI for you American folk -- and the place where everyone was skinny dipping was at the dock, and the dock is about a stone's throw from the building...)

Anyway, I'm getting off topic, aren't I?

I never really had a topic to begin with, I don't think...

So poof I go, to do homework and the like. Laterz!

