Increasingly uneasy...
January 31, 2002 - 1:47 p.m.






I'm becoming more and more uneasy around Ben.

I mean, I don't fear for my safety. He's harmless, gentle, and quite all there, but...well...he stands too close.

Normally I'm perfectly fine with people standing close to me. I like touching people, I really do, but there are a small screw of people that make me uneasy when they stand too close to me, when they loom over me when they talk to me.

Lately it's Ben.

He's a charming, sweet thing, but keeps advancing on me when he talks to me until I'm literally backed against a wall.

I don't mind touching Ben, not at all, in fact I'm quite attracted to him, but frankly, when someone keeps moving closer and closer it makes me uneasy. Especially when they're unsure with themselves and tense, and Ben gives off those vibes all the time.

Heehee. I think he likes me.

And I do like him, but am not really willing to try because I well prefer Mike and don't want to ruin it with him.

Ben comes to talk to me in the library sometimes when I'm on the computer, and it's frustrating, because it's one of my pet peeves, having someone looking over my shoulder when I'm on the computer.

It literally drives me nuts, but I don't want to tell him off like I do with most of my friends because I'm afraid I'll damage his delicate ego (he rather recently split up with his long time girlfriend due to outside interferance and he's still hurting).

Sometimes he came to visit me during break in drama class and we'd stand on the stage and chatter on about nothing particular, but he kept moving closer and closer and it makes me really uneasy to have someone stand two feet or less away and give off those uncertain vibes.

It really makes me edgy.

Some people I don't mind being backed against walls by or be in very close contact with while talking like...say...(and this is only the males, mind you)...Nathan. Dylan. Tavis. Brian. Mike. Captain Andrew. Tyler. Tatsu. Brian. Brennain.

Okay, all but Nathan and Mike I think I'd get uneasy if they backed me against a wall.

Not Nathan because, frankly, he'd never try and hurt me, and there's a very small chance I think that he'd try and kiss me or something of the sort, because we're both in relationships with other people, and we're tried it once before and it didn't word.

Not Mike because first off, he's smaller than me. True, he's much stronger than I am, but he is smaller (especially in the bust and ass ;P). Also, when he backs me against a wall I know he /is/ going to kiss me, and I want him to, so I'm all fine there. And I trust him. I'm not sure quite with my life, because I've never seen the full extent of his power, but I know his temper and his tendancies and I know he's not going to turn violent if I don't kiss him.

...I want to be friends with Ben, I really do. He's charming, honest and playful, with a set of adorable dimples, but he is making me increasingly uneasy...

I'm going to have to conquer that, because he plays Petrucio, and I think I'm going to have to kiss him at the end of the play.

"There's a good wench! Come, kiss me, Kate!"

Ah well. To theatre, my friends. May the play live on.


