I highly doubt I'm in the Shakespeare play...
March 08, 2002 - 2:11 p.m.






Alas, alack. See me wallow in self pity for a little bit.

*wallow* *wallow* *whimper* *whimper*

There. That's about enough.

See, I don't think I got into the Shakespeare play. I highly doubt it. Very, very much doubt it, now that I think on it a little more.

See, a bunch of thespian types were hanging around the theatre, impatient for Geoff to post the cast list, and he hadn't finished casting so was heading off, and said as he past me:

"Hey, Rosie, I hear you want to do lighting or sound or something?"

And I said: "Provided I'm not in it, yes."

He laughed. "Yes, of course. That's always the line, isn't it?"

And thinking on it, I don't think he would have said that if I were in it.

So I'm resigned that I won't be.

I'll go home and pity myself for a while, maybe cry a little (because I've got such a big ego and I /do/ so like being in Shakespeare), then go off to the school dance and try and forget about it.

But I am dissapointed.

I havn't not been cast in something since the pantomime, but the director had her reasons.

Reasons, shmeasons.

I'm still dissapointed.

Give me time, I'll get over it and do lighting, but right now I'm dissapointed. Sad. Dejected. Knowing I'm not good enough. And that's a hard bit to swallow, too.

Ah well.

C'est la vie, right?


