Misstook for a man again...
October 07, 2002 - 2:30 a.m.






The funniest thing happened to me a couple days ago.

Mike and I were taking a 3am walk down the highway (which was completely deserted) when this SUV comes hurtling towards us.

As it passed us we heard, "FAGS!" yelled out the window and we were like "What the hell?"

We looked around, but we were the only other people out. Not even a dog or a car.

Then we realized something:

Mike was wearing a sweater and gloves and looked distinctly manly, and I was wearing my winter coat and hat, both of which were originally intended for men. Not to mention the white dress shirt and cream scarf tied as a tie.

They misstook me for a man.

That's almost as bad as:

"Hey, you're Martin's little brother, aren't you?"

Which happened, by the way.

Heeheehee. I didn't think I looked that much like a man.

Plus, I was wearing a skirt, even if I was wearing big man boots.

Stupid blind people. They should open their eyes more often.



PS, the Jones soda we eventually aquired at the only store open, Mowhawk, were lovely. He had blue lemonade (which was a new flavour for both of us and is meh), and I had fufu berry, which is my favorite.

PPS, It really was damn funny.
