I don't like being mean. Mean people suck.
July 01, 2003 - 11:14 p.m.






I've been being really mean lately.

And I don't like it.

Mostly scarcastic, and biting.

And I still don't like it.

And I don't think other people like it, either.

I know I'm a fairly abraisive person.

I haven't always been.

I used to be quiet and sullen and depressed.

But I'm not sure this is better.

I never used to hurt anyone, then.

Then again, I wasn't happy and I kept all my opinions and ideas to myself, and I never smiled.

I remember one year I tried not to smile at all, just so people would take notice of me. (It didn't really work. People payed a lot more attention to me when I was smiling.)

But I don't like being mean, I've decided. Some people like it. I don't.

It sucks booty.

Not even nice booty.

Nasty, stinky booty.

I'm going to try and bite my tongue more often. And be nice and sweet around Mike and Vurn.

Because I've found my bad behaiviour is heightened when I'm around Mike's friends. Not so much Ben. (Ben rocks.) Mostly Vurn and Bailey.

So I'll try to bite my tongue.

We'll see how it works.

If my tongue is still intact by the end of the week, I'll let you know how it went.


