Feeeeeel my push stick, baby
September 30, 2003 - 5:35 p.m.






So I woke up this morning and thought:

"Damn. I haven't done my push stick (an assignment for shop class) because I don't want to try the power tools. Fuckit. I need to get it done."

So I went and cut out a simple hand shape with a missing thumb to be my push stick.

It's simple, it works well, and damn, I did a fine paint job.

I have had class mates stopping and going, "WOW. That's amazing! I take it you're a painter?"

I miss painting. I didn't think I'd miss it because I'd never been without it, and now I don't have paints and can't afford them, and I'm feeling the pain.

Still, I can thieve little bits from the shop to use when I need to.

It was a simple, quick paint job, but it made it look very much like a hand, and that's what I wanted.

Even more, I wanted it to look like my hand in my sleeve, and I accomplished that.

I feel so accomplished.

Yay me.



PS, Tim got this address from Cassie today and emailed me. I feel so warm and fluffy inside. Then again, maybe it's the hampster I swallowed earlier.
