Short tempered? Me?
April 30, 2005 - 5:31 p.m.






I've been irritable and grumpy lately, and I don't know why. My patience has been very short, even with Loren, and I've been snappish and waspish, and I don't like it.

Normally I'd blame it on PMS (which I do get, but I can usually tell) but I just *had* my period.

I think it's a lot of little things.

I think it's issues with Loren's roommate, who doesn't want me over as much as I am (which I understand, but it's still not what I'd like).

I think it's personal issues with that thing that happened a while ago between Loren and I (which I still won't get into; it's too personal for here).

I think it's issues about Laura.

What? I hear you say.

Issues with Laura?

I don't know. She's been through a lot this year, and I really feel sorry for her about that, but...


She's acting weird.

Not Rosie-weird, but weird-weird.

We were very close for a long time, but have kind of drifted due to school (both our faults), but now she's back and I find her constantly in my personal space, cuddling up and leaning in and, well...

I hate having my personal space invaded. It's a huge pet peeve of mine. That, and having my privacy taken away. I'd snap if that happened.

Sometimes I can handle people physically in my personal space, so long as I can tune them out mentally (big crowds don't bother me at all, but being jostled in a group of my friends or aquaintences really does).

I'm finding as the years pass her voice gets higher and higher pitched (I like husky voices over sharp voices), and she giggles more at nothing, which makes my teeth grind.

I'm not giving up on her, don't get me wrong. I really do like her a lot still, but it's hard to handle sometimes. The bouncing and the shrieking and the bubbles.

I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. It feels like she's trying to immediately regain what we lost without working at it, by just pretending that it was never lost, and I'm having a really hard time dealing, so when ever someone gets in my personal space or gets too close or teases me I get really short tempered.

Maybe it's that.

I don't know.

Maybe I'm crazy.


