Loren's almost home!
June 08, 2005 - 12:37 p.m.






Loren's coming home! Loren's coming home!

He just phoned me, from Vancouver. His flight is at 1pm, which means he'll be in by 2-2:30ish, then a half hour drive from the airport (it's in the next city over; my hometown is too small for a commercial airport) to here.


He said he brought me back something. He won't tell me what. He says it's not shoes, though.

He said, at the Sanctuary, the only shoes he thought I'd like didn't come in my size, or were over $150 (which is way too expensive for just a travel gift; birthday or Christmas, *maybe* it would be alright, if a couple people pitched).

"They only ones that were priced right in your size had square toes, and I know you don't like square toes--" True! I don't like square toes. My current shoes have square toes, and I don't like them for that reason.

Yesterday he said he borrowed his brother's van and went to the West Edmonton Mall (biggest mall in the world, for those who don't know; actually, possibly second biggest now), and wandered around the mall for the whole day.

"I went to all the shoe stores I could find and asked if they had any Mary Janes in size 10. They kind of looked at me funny. One guy asked me if it was a gift. I said yes."

"You should have said no! You should've said you like to feel pretty sometimes!"

He laughed.

He sounds so sick, though. He said he started feeling sick right in the middle of his mother's graduation, and it hasn't gotten much better.

I can't wait 'til he gets home. I wish I could drive out there and get him, but neither of my parents are home so I can't. (With my learner's liscence, I'm only allowed to drive with a supervisor over 25, and one other passenger.)

About 3pm. He'll be here about 3pm. *bounces* Caaaan't waaaait...

I admonished him for not inventing teleportation and being here right now.

He was appropriately shamed.



Impatient Rosie.
