That stupid boy
July 13, 2005 - 8:02 a.m.






So when Loren showed up last night I got mad at him, and told him exactly why.

To his credit, he probably did say he'd show up at about 9-10pm, but he didn't actually show up until 10:30pm.


He's late all the fucking time. So I told him he was late all the fucking time, and I was tired of waiting for him. I told him next time he was late I was just going to leave and do something else.

He said: "Good, you *should* do that."

"Yes, but that doesn't solve the problem," I replied, exasperated. "And I *want* to spend time with you."

So we decided, since we didn't manage to hang out last night, we would watch a movie tonight. (Though we did have a shower together last night, although I was in a particularely bad mood, especially because it was nearing 11:30pm by that point, and I had wanted to get to bed early.)

He said he'd be here at 7:30pm. Not 7:30ish. Not 'about 7-8ish'. 7:30pm.

So. If he's not? I'll go down to Judy and Jannette's, maybe, and refuse to go with him, even if he shows up.

I don't know. I'm just sick of him being late all the time. I can deal with 15 minutes late. Beyond that demands a phone call...

His excuse last night was that Mark was talking at him and wouldn't let him leave (and Mark doesn't have a phone, so I can deal with that--*sort of*...).

Ah boys. Stupid boys. (Girls are stupid too, but I'm not mad at them right now.)


