Role-playing, weekends and Shakespeare
January 19th, 2001 - 12:09pm






Oh joyous joy! Oh happy days! Why am I in such a good mood? Hell if I know! I just woke up this morning, avoided my bitchy mother, and slipped into the best mood I've been in, like, all week! Excuse me while I sparkle.


Alright, that done, I'm all goodly now. Really.

Let's see...Not much has been happening. Not much at all...

Oh, I had one of the best RP sessions last night than I've ever had. I'm still tingling from it. Whee. Okay, well, two of the best sessions. Simultaniously. On different MOOs. On Harper's Tale Alethia (my character) challanged Sergeant Jesk to a sparring match, and it all ended wonderfully with the beginnings of spreading rumours.

On WizBiz (which Jesk's player owns and runs) I was RPing with Jericho, the Capital City's Mayor. This has been a running RP, going from day to day. My character, Rosebud, literally bumped into Jericho in the city marketplace, multiple times, and it's so far stuck as Jericho trying to find Rosebud a decent paying job (she's just a low payed peasant, after all) and Rosebud trying to figure out who the heck she's talking to without beind blunt about it.

It has been fun. I've been ever so amused.

But right now, I think I'll go take the Tempest out of the school library and drive my friends nuts reading it to them.


Or maybe...

Maybe I'll get out A Midsummer Night's Dream instead...



