A Raving Weekend
Fedruary 12th, 2001 - 9:07pm






I'm kinda tired. Just got home from clay class, and I shouldn't really be on the computer right now. Ah well. My mother isn't home yet and I can type fast.

Let's see. The weekend...

Alright, Friday night I went over to Michelle's with Laura, Bitty (Brittany), Avairy, Colleen, and...hm. I think that was all, but I can't be sure. Oh, Adele was there too, I think.

Anyhoo, we did girlie stuff like eat lots of chocolate, do each other's hair, watched sappy movies...That kinda stuff. And me and Colleen had a gummy bear war. What's a gummy bear war, you say? Well, we had a competition to see who could fit the most gummy bears in their cleavage without dropping any. I fit fifty-two. Collen beat me, getting sixty-nine (which I found particularely amusing). *sniff* I was beated. Sixty-nine...Can't beat that.

Now, Saturday night...Went out with Dustin. Bought a bottle of red wine and split it with him over at some person's house whom I didn't know (well, I knew her vaguely). Had my judgement impaired and decided to go hitch out to Castlegar, where there was a rave going on. (Actually, as it turns out, it was in Robson, which is nearby). So we hitched out there. Well, to the junction where the highway splits to Castlegar and Robson. Then we walked to Robson. That well a mighty cold Hell. Actually, I barely felt a thing 'cause of the wine, though it turns out we walked for an hour and a half.

That was an entertaining walk, anyway.

The rave was entertaining too. Got there. Had no money to get in. Dustin managed to get in for free and went to the head dude person guy that he knew to get me in for free. Meanwhile I was sitting at the door when my mother's friend's son walks in, obviously wacked out on something (though a pleasant something, probably exstacy) and begins talking to me like we were old friends. He managed to sweet talk the door people into letting me in for free. So I got in. I was tired from lack of sleep the night before, and didn't end up dancing much, but I had fun. I tried to bum a ride home from people from 3:30am to 7:30am and ended up trying to hitch, only to get picked up by a car load of friends. Whew.

Then I slept.

Then I woke up.

Then I ate.

Then I went back to sleep.

And once I was done sleeping, I went to school this morning.

And that was my weekend.

