February 13th, 2001 - 9:32pm






You know what?

I'm really jealous right now.

Of Sam.

Y'know why?

Well, y'know the play, A Midsummer Night's Dream?

Yes. That--No, you nitwit! That's Twelfth Night. Entirely different concept. Good play, but entirely different.

This is the one with that girl who loves that guy and the guy who loves her back and that other guy who loevs her too but hates the other girl and loves him and they all run away into that forest over there and them fairies and...yes. Well, I don't need to tell you the entire story now, do I? You get the point.

Anyway. Where was I...Oh yes, the jealousy part. Y'see, that's my favoritest play in the entire world and /Sam/ gets to be freakin' /Oberon/. Dammit! And you know the crappiest part? The play was done, like, six months before I got into theatre (which is, to say, about two years ago) and so it won't be done again any time soon, and by the time it's put on again I'll be old and icky and am unlikely to get any decent part at /all/.

There. That's why I'm all jealous and stuff. *grmmmblgrmmble*

Let's see. Nothing happy happened today. It was a boring bland day with boring bland weather and boring bland people. I don't like winter. I like the cold, but I don't like winter. I wish it were cold during the day and warm at night so I could go roving at night.

I'm cold right now. Too cold for my liking. Probably 'cause there's no heat in the basement...

Mm. I think I'll go to bed.



PS, My mistake. One good thing happened today. Christina let me write Bleaaargh! across her forehead with bright blue ink. Just because. And that amused me greatly. :)
