April 11th, 2001 - 12:09 p.m.






Guess what?

No, actually, don't guess, 'cause I'm gonna tell you whether you want to hear or not.

Alright...get this...I got a chorus part. A chorus part. Chorus. Part. I got a freakin' chorus part! I mean, this is quite a blow to my ego (which, I'm not ashamed to say, I rather needed). I've never gotten a chorus part before! Well, except in operas, but that's understanable because I can't sing opera as well as most people. Anyway. Back to complaining...Chorus! CHORUS! I got a freakin' chorus part! No one gives a chorus part to the Almighty Rosie!...*pantpant*...Well, actually, they do, but still...Anyhoo. Where was I? Oh, *Sydney* got the part I wanted (Miss Hannigan). I cannot see Syd as Miss Hannigan...Well, except she wouldn't have to act, Syd's already quite a *blankblankblankblank*. So I suppose that's one reason why she got casted as so.

Oh, Taylor got Rooster. I don't know who's gotten Lily yet. Martina is in the chorus with me. Some girl named Ellen I think got Annie. I was surprised because I thought for sure Jocelyn would get it. But she didn't. A pity, but c'est la vie. Tim for five or so bit parts. Nick got Drake the butler. My little bro, David, got President Roosevelt. Sadie got Chorus. Colleen, Chelsea and Cassie all didn't get in. *sniff*

But enough about that. I'm gonna run. I've got class relitively soon. *sigh*


