In need of a change...
May 4th, 2001 - 11:34 a.m.






It's Keith's birthday today!...If I see him, I'll yell very loudly and jump on him from behind. But considering he's in collage and I'm not, even if it's a local collage, I'm probably not going to see him. So no running, jumping, and yelling for Rosie.

But it's Laura's half-birthday today. Maybe I'll give a half cry, a half-heartedly jump on her from behind. That would work...yeeeeah...

You know what?

Actually, I'm not going to get into this again. Nobody ever guesses anyway. And plus, I'm gonna say it anyway.

...Damn. What was I talking about?...Oh yes! The thing that I was talking about. So as I was saying, I need a change. Not a giant life wrenching change, just a change. Life has become too routine. Well, sort of. Now it has. It wasn't yesterday, but things change fast and...wait. That doesn't make much sense...But do I ever? But back to what ever it was I was talking about.

I need change.

I need to go climb over the mountain.

Maybe with Avairy, maybe not. It hurts to be around her. She's still my friend and all, but it still hurts. Especially to see her and Chris together. I mean, *ouch*. But I'll get over it. I always do. Funny that.

But anyhoo. I should off. Got a practice for Blood, Lust and Rhetoric in a few and I don't want to test Burnsie's wrath right now.


PS, Oh! May Crown is coming up! I can't wait!...So is the Shakespeare festival...I don't know which to be more excited about...;)
