A night at Brennain and Mystica's
May 6th, 2001 - 7:56 p.m.






I'm so happy I could kiss someone! I don't know who, and I don't know why, just suddenly, a few hours after writing my last entry, I decided I was really *really* happy and voila! I am! And I didn't even realize it. You know, I came *this* close to kissing Matt in the middle of Reo's Videos. I mean, in a public place! (No offence, Matt, I really do like you, but kissing is something meant for people who're dating, or in private for those who you're not...) Anyway...

I visited Brennain and Mystica last night. Played with Aurora (their little girl...she's 2 years old...) and kept her company while she took a bath. She's the cutest little thing. Perfectly angelic. Very fine, very blond hair, big blue eyes...Oh, she'll be a head turner when she gets older...

Oh, before I left for their place, I was bored and had time, so I painted my chest in flames and clouds. Quite entertaining, if I do say so myself. Unfortunately for me my parents managed to walk in on me twice (I keep telling them to knock and wait for an answer, but do they listen? Noooo...) but I don't think they noticed what I was doing since they quickly shielded their eyes when I shrieked like the little girl I am.

So anyway, back to Brennain and Mystica's...I was wearing my black shirt, the one with the zipper front, and of course Aurora realizes this and starts taking particular delight in unzipping my shirt...which, in turn, exposed the flaming colours all over my front...which sparked curiosity...I ended up showing Mystica the entirety of what I had painted (and I mean *all* of it) and she thought it was pretty cool...

So I passed out on the couch. And just when I was about to fall asleep, who should walk in but their roommate, Ed. He was quite surprised to find me sleeping on the couch. Then he made toast. (You know, the sound of buttering toast when you're half asleep is really strange...)

And then in comes Tyler. Of course I was asleep by then. But apparently he came in and poked me a couple of times after he realized who it was, woke me up, said hullo, then went to sleep on the other couch. Me, I don't remember any of it. But I told him in the morning that I sleepwalk if put on my feet and told what to do. He got a pretty devious look on his face. I was amused. I'm wondering what he's gonna do...

So I woke up, and Brennain and I discussed things like...the McRoy family. And the SCA. And men that he could match me up with (the night before I had been complaining that I was heart-broken, love-starved, romantically-impaired, sexually-frustrated and various other things, and he and Mystica decided to try and set me up...). Apparently there's this Nathan fellow that lives up the road from them. Tall, rather slim, fairly built, Brennain's nephew (in the SCA, not in real life), blond, blue eyed, 23 years old, does his own sewing...I said I was interested. They said they'll set something up. I am intruiged...

But now I'm doing this pouch for Brennain. Not all of it, though I certainly would if he asked me to. He just wants me to draw the McRoy boar on his leather pouch, and do some celtic knotwork around the edges.

I was amused. Here's the jist of the conversation:

Him: "Just draw a boar in the middle somewhere. I'll find someone to do some celtic knotwork around the edges."

Me: "I can do celtic knotwork."

Brennain's jaw hits the floor. "Now remind me...*How* are you related to me? (Meaning in the SCA)"

"I'm your daughter."

"Blood daughter?"




"Just think, it could have been like 'Look, she can do this and this and this and this and oh, by the way, the wedding is at 2pm.' But I can't marry my daughter. I mean, people married their relitives back then, but not so close. Daughter is pushing it a little far."

Yes, I was entertained. It was quite entertaining. So now I've got his pouch to do. Which I should probably get started on. Adieu till then.


PS, I've gotta change my alter-ego's name (Aurora). Now that I know Brennain and Mystica and their daughter, using that name for a seductive alter-ego just doesn't work anymore. Do suggest a name people? I would thoroughly enjoy getting some input.
