Shakespeare festival
May 13th, 2001 - 4:17 p.m.






Back from the Shakespeare festival! Whee!

Actually. It wasn't *that* great. I was really isolated from my group (No one wanted to talk to me, *sniff!*). If there wasn't a huge group of the cast going out to eat, I'd eat alone. The group I was doing the workshops with were all pretty listless too. Didn't really get into it (Save David and Kristen and one other girl who's name I don't remember). It bothered me. Especially during stagefighting. The instructor told me afterwards he was desperately trying to find me another partner because the one I had was *very* listless and sleepy.

Anyway. The plays were good. We were the only play to get a standing ovation. Then we went out and skinny dipped in the lake, much to the embarassment and amusement of the other actors. (Only one guy from Trail went skinny dipping with us. And those who dipped the second time we went all went in their underwear. Sissies.

Oooooooooooo...I hear my mother. I hope she doesn't hear me. I've been on for a long time. Over and hour. Shhh. Be veeeery quiet. Hope she doesn't notice me...

Still there...

Still there...

When's she gonne leave?

She hasn't noticed yet...

Not yet...

Not now...

I should probably close this entry before she hears me typing. The devil has sharp ears.

