A briefing on California
June 26th, 2001 - 7:57 p.m.






Well, my mistake. There was no later post, 'cause I up and went to California. Whee!

Actually it kinda sucked. Too bloody sunny.

I got a *gasp* tan line as well. All right, it wasn't really a tan at all. More like...a shadow. Yeap. That was about all the sun I got.

Didn't go swimming. Never really wanted to. Sat around and painted a lot (speaking of which, I should go finish it). Ate a lot. I like to eat too much, I think. But anyway...

Oh, we went to Disneyland. Kinda sucked in a few ways, but hey. What can ya do. We went on the It's a Small World ride. Ten minutes of utter torture in fifty different languages. It was scary.

I think the two rides that are tied for the best in my books are The Pirates of the Carribean. Wonderful, wonderful ride around just looking at pirates in different scenes, pillaging an entire village, sieging on Spanish castles, etc...It was *really* cool, and the pirates were *really* realistic and well done. Not to mention practically the entire ride was built underground. That was cool.

Secondly, it would have to be the Indiana Jones ride, made up to be like an out of control jeep ride through an Indiana Jones adventure. Also huge. Also built underground. It was absoloutly stunning. Everything so co-ordinated...Quite a stage craft feat. I liked it alot. It was kinda scary, though, because all the nondescript male workers were all dressed almost exactly like me. See, I bought a Blues Brothers hat in another part of Disneyland, and I happened to be wearing a white t-shirt and tan pants. And, surprise, surprise, the workers were wearing Indiana Jones hats (in brown, though...Blues Brothers hats and Indiana Jones hats are very similer...), white t-shirts and tan pants. It was quite eery, actually. I got a picture with one of them. We were all amused, greatly.

So...yeah. Oh, and we all appreciated the garbage men quite thoroughly. And told them so. And got a picture of a few of them. It was *great*. We made some of them proud, some surprised, some amused, and we made one guy so nervous he was shaking. It was great.

I have decided that Canadians are more polite and 'stereotypical Canadians' when out of the country (especially in the US). I mean, we're normal to us, but something clicks when you go somewhere else. Like a moral obligation to keep the 'Canadian image' up...It's funny.

I hate palm trees.

I love pine trees.

Pine trees are your friends.

Now that I've got that over with, I'm gonna go phone Sarah and Nathan and see whats up for tonight. Adieu, mes amies. ;) Have fun and be spiffy.


