Just another entry
June 29th, 2001 - 11:50 a.m.






SCA potluck tomorrow! I'll be able to make the pies I've been wanting to make.

Whaddaya think? Rhubarb and strawberry? Apple?...I don't think bannana pies are possible (and it sounds pretty gross, anyway). Should I just do a vegetable pie?...Nah. I'll do a fruit pie. I've always been better at desserts (deserts? Well, the sweet one, anyway) than I have been at savoury things.

Oh, the choices, the choices...It's insane, the choices...

Ah, I'll figure it out.

For Sunday, Canada Day, I've got to bring some medieval project to the park so I can do it when I'm not fighting/playing/demostrating/etc...Which clothes shall I wear? The green dress, or the bodice/skirt ensemble? I personally like the green dress better, because it looks nicer as a dress, but the bodice/etc looks better on me...Oh, bother. I'll figure something out.

Y'know...one thing I hate about having a boyfriend is the accompanied sense of duty I feel towards him...I should be a good girlfriend, spend my time with him, etc...but I don't really want to...I mean, I like the guy, he's absoloutly and positively wonderful, but why phone him every day? I havn't anything new happening. Just plain 'ole life. It makes me feel kind of guilty, like I'm neglecting him...Eh. I'll live. C'est la vie.

That's how I run through life, I think...saying 'ces't la vie' and moving on...Should I dwell on things? Is it healthy to brush things off like that?...I dunno. I'm not a physciatrist. Gawd. I don't think I spelled that right. Ah well. C'est la vie. It's only human. ;)

Mm. I should run, I think. I'm not really supposed to be on the computer right now, but parents aren't home and no one said I couldn't...but I've been spending a lot of time on the comp lately...

So I run. Farewell, for now.


