Three heart attacks, two pies, and a movie
June 30th, 2001 - 4:36 p.m.






Lately I've had a few heart rending shocks. Some good. Some bad. Some unhappy.

Shock numero un: Juan is leaving for Honduras for six months. *sniff* I'm really going to miss the horny old goat. Okay, so he's not old, and he's not a goat, but the rest is a pretty acurate description. ;)...Nah. He's really more of a charmer. Intensely charming. (He's got the latina look, and the romantic attitude to match...Can we say *swoon*?)

Shock numero deux: My grandmother won a dance contest. That doesn't sound bad, right? But you don't know what kind of dance it was...She won a bellydancing contest. My little petite, tea-drinking, perfectly dressed, must-have-lace-tablecloths-on-the-coffee-table little grandmother. A belly dancing contest. Then again, this is the grandmother who tells my mother to "smack the children upside the head for me, dear"...Yeah. I suppose I'm not terribly surprised. ;)

Shock numero trois: Brian shaved his head. Now, if you know Brian, you'll know what I'm talking about. Brian. He has...had beautiful long light brown-red hair. Beautiful hair. Hair every girl I know was jealous of...This is the Brian who said he never wanted short hair. He thought he looked stupid with short hair. *heart attack* I just saw him yesterday, driving by. Took me a moment to realize who it was...*sigh* And it was such /beautiful/ hair, too...

Okay. That's about all that's new in my life. ;) Oo, but I made two rhubarb merangue pies. I like pies. Pies are fun. The word 'pie' is fun to say, too.

The movie Pi is a really good movie. Y'should see it.

That's about all.



