Tired, sore, relieved, depressed, happy, and exausted once again
July 9th, 2001 - 7:57 p.m.






Ooo. I'm tired, sore, relieved, depressed, happy and exausted all at the same time.

Let me explain.

Tired, because I spent the weekend in Oliver for the 20th year celebration. It was great. It was Laura's first event. She went by the name of Laurel. Maclar wasn't there, and neither was Darius. I was dissapoited, for all I made Darius' life a living hell. I hope he doesn't hate me or anything...But anyway, it was great, and Tatsu is still trying to convince and charm me into marrying him. ;) I dunno. In the end, it'll probably happen. He's a wonderful guy.

Sore, because I've been too enthousiastic about everything. And I have a shade of a sunburn across my breasts. And the entire cast of Annie had permission to hit me because I was late again (thanks, mom). That's a lot of smacks.

Depressed, because Nathan and I broke up today. It was clean, with no hard feelings, but it's still vaguely saddening. How can it not be?

Relieved, because now I don't have to feel guilt about some intense flirting I did on the weekend and the woman I kissed. Speaking of which, I promised to email her...

Happy, because I am once again single, the way I like it. :) Every time I get a boyfriend, I realize I don't want one, dispite how wonderful the guy is. It's not the man, it's me. I don't know. It just happens that way. :/

Exausted, because I've hardly hardly had any sleep, I'm too hot, and have been working too hard.

But that's about enough for now. I gotta go rid myself of these cowboy boots my dad managed to sneak on my feet, and made a banana cake. Mmm. Banana cake...



