A fraction of a strange weekend
August 7th, 2001 - 11:08 a.m.






Oo! What a weekend. Man, am I *sore*! And exausted. But I don't think I'll cover the entirety of it now because I'm currently on Tatsu's computer.

Speaking of Tatsu, he got his Award of Arms this past weekend. It's weird calling him Your Lordship or Lord Erin (Erin McRoy is his persona's name, but everyone calls him Tatsu anyway...go figure).

I met a lot more of the family. Two more brothers, several uncles, one half sister, a foster brother, two cousins, one auntie, another uncle...That's all I can think of right now.

My head kind of hurts right now.

Oh dear. More emotional strain. Gawds. I'm not even going to get in to it right now.

Let's see...I met lots of people on the weekend. Can't remember many names, but let's see...There was a fellow named Carval I met when I first arrived, standing in line to get some food. And some guy named Phil whom I fondly referred to as the Plum Fairy (he always wore a purple poofy shirt).

Eek. More emotional tension...I could *never* live here. As much as I adore these people, the emotional tension and snappish moods would rip me to absoloute shreds.

Ooo. So stiff. What a weekend...

Let's see, who else did I meet...Oo, the aunt I mentioned earlier is named Deedee (Deirdre, if you rather). I love her garb. Absoloutely *beautiful*. And she has the bust for it, too. ;)

And I met this fellow named Randall, who I caught while hunting frilly fops to do my bidding (frilly fop: big poofy shirts, doublets, lots of lace and feathers, wide brimmed hat folded up on one side...that kind). He wasn't a frilly fop, but he agreed to play the part for me for a while (he was dressed like a Scotsman, so it was twice as entertaining). So we went dancing. I have discovered I really like brawls. Brawls being a slow basic socialising dance where all the ladies are switched between the men. A chance with all of them. Heheheheh. My favorite was the Celtic Brawl. The partner I was with for several of the dances went up and requested it when he discovered I was freezing cold (we all danced until the sun went down and they had to bring out torches). Dispite the frolicing look of the name, it's a very slow circular dance where either the men's arms are around the women or the women's arms are around the men. Excellent for warming up.

Ooo. Speaking of the dance, there was this one Don (sort of like what a Knight is to heavy fighting, a Don is a step up from your regular rapier fighter) who was just mmmmmm. Tall, I'm guessing about six foot five, blue brocaded doublet, matching knee pants and leggings, poofy white tunic underneath, wide brimmed dark blue hat with large feathers, golden hair, perfect smile...you know those types. Swoon-worthy. And he was a Don on top of it all, not to mention he could dance. Boy could he *dance*. But enough about that.

Oh, some fellow named Dravon came up an introduced himself before we all left. I don't know why. Just because, I suppose.

And then there was Cap'n Wolf. Ah, what an absoloute letch. Amusing man, but a complete and utter letch. He was extremely blatent about his sexual advances with both men and women (though I believe he was straight, he was very secure with his sexuality). Strange fellow, really. For some reason, god only knows why, he up and bought me an entire new outfit, sleeved bodice and skirt. And these weren't cheap, either. Go figure, huh.

Mmm. I should really git off here. Tatsu's computer. I didn't ask. Ba-a-a-ad me.


Adieu, mes amies. I shall complete this later.


