Aches and pains and another day
August 10th, 2001 - 12:25 a.m.






Oooouchie. My side hurts. I don't know why, but it's been hurting for a good hour now. On the back on the left side, where I think my remaining kidney is. I don't suppose this is a Good Thing...

Mm. I'm still pretty beat from Clinton, but doing better.

I feel really bad about completely forgetting to pick up Roland's jewelry to take to Clinton. I suppose it's not entirely my fault, 'cause he was originally going to drop it off at Brennain's so I could pick it up there, but didn't. Then he was going to bring it up, but got side tracked and didn't. So I was gonna go pick it up, but completely forgot about it when Voltair and Sable rolled up and threw us in the car...I feel really bad, though, because I said I would and I forgot. I'm going to phone him or track him down tomorrow. I don't know what I'll say, besides that I'm sorry...*le sigh*...

Aw. Sappy love song is playing. Bad song to listen to right at the moment...You know, I feel the most loevd I've ever felt in my entire life right about now. It's...eerie in a way. I don't see why people should love me. It kind of scares me...Scratch that. It *really* scares me. I hate fights, but love terrifies me just about as much...(I mean, come *on* people...Affection is not a strong point in my family at's going to take a while to get used to...)...I was looking at the two rings I wear know, the hemitite one and the silver one...and I kind of realized something...I assosiate the two rings with two of the most important men in my life. (I've kind of always associated the hemitite ring with my father, because he bought me my second one after the first one was stolen...I'm proud to say, I've never broken one of these rings ever.)

Agh. My throat hurts. That's been hurting for most of the day now...of course, that cup of cold black tea I downed in thirty seconds earlier probably didn't help...I was craving something. I couldn't figure out what, but after I downed that tea, I felt a little better. Which scares me. Was it caffeine I was craving?...I hate being addicted to things. I desperately hate it.

Bleh. Bro wants to kick me off the comp right now, but I don't feel like moving really...

Ooo. Toe is sore. Got rubbed raw over the last week by sandals to big and too small. It hurts. A lot. Got sand in it earlier today.

Oh, speaking of sand I went to the beach. Scary, huh? I was actually in the *sun* (gods, I hope I didn't tan)...I swam and paddled and took the top part of my *shudder* bikini off like a good little freak. I hate bikini's, I really do. I hate bathing suits in general...I feel so exposed and judged when I'm in a bathing suit. For some reason I'm fine swimming completely nude. I dunno why. Probably because everyone looks pretty much the same naked...Alright. That's not the truth, but everthing is bared and the illusion of perfection is no longer there...(Especially since the 'perfect' girls are the ones that are most uncomfortable with skinny dipping with other people...)

Eek. Itch. *scratchyscratchy*

I think I'm going to go do some embroidery...Yes...That'd be nice...

I depart. Adieu, mes amies.



