Over the past few days
September 14, 2001 - 11:58 a.m.






Let's see...I havn't updated since...a couple days ago, I think...

What's happened recently...

Got my period this morning. I could tell because I woke up curled in the fetal position in utter *pain*. It hurt so bad. I wasn't sure what it was at first, but when my joints started to ache and my bones felt like they were slowly being twisted, I knew my period had started. So I got up and took a Motrin ab. It helped, but not by much. It killed the pain in my right leg, but my left leg continued to throb. It sucked. Like, majorly. So when I got up, I took another one and begged my mother to let me take the bus to school. And I told her the pain was so bad I couldn't sleep. So I took the bus this morning. About half an hour into class, the painkillers kicked in, and I was dizzy and disconnected for about twenty minutes, as usual, and now I'm alright. There's still a dull ache in my...what would the area be called...Pelvic area? Not the genitals, not the intestines, but right between, in that soft place that, unless you're a docter, you know absoloutely nothing about. Well, I know nothing about it, except that it hurts like a freakin' bitch when ever I get my period. And I have my period. And it still hurts dispite the painkillers. Ah well. C'est la vie, I suppose.

Let's see...Oh, I went to the optomatrists yesterday because I had been noticing slight changes in my vision. It'd been really bugging me because I had a hard time reading road signs until they were fairly close. My vision had never been perfect, but it's gotten worse, to the point where glasses were recommended. Not for full time use, but when ever my eyes were bothering me. He showed me what my vision is like without glasses, then put a lens in front of my eye, and it was definately different. An astigmatism, he said. A warp in my supposedly perfectly round eye thingie...So that's the jist of it. I havn't dicussed it with my mother yet, but chances are I'll get glasses for part time use. Not contacts. Glasses. I don't think contacts would last in my care.

Speaking of forgetfulness and clumsiness, I need to go to the councellers and get some courses changed...

Ow. Freakin' *blankblankblank*. I hurt.

Man, there's this girl I always see in the Library at lunch. A sullen looking girl, rather round, droopy mouth and blank eyes. She'd be pretty if she smiled. But she doesn't. I've never seen her smile. Ever. But she's always in here at lunch, writing emails. One time I walked by and just glanced at her screen as she was signing a bit of mail with 'Your love and soul-mate', or something quite similer. I wonder who it is...

Let's see...Oh, I bought some Sour Skittles yesterday because some guy bought some, but the package got stuck, and so I bought a pack so he could get his. A word of advice: kindness is painful! Ohmygawd, those candies tore the hell out of my mouth. Like, seriously. They were *really* harsh. Terrible. They tasted alright (except the sour was *too* sour), but the crystals coating them severely rips apart your mouth. It hurts. Bleagh.

Oh, today is the 'Canadians Grieve for Americans' day, or something like that. True to the name, I'm feeling rather sorrowful and in to grieving. I've never grieved about anything before. So I've decided to wear all black on this day every year. Yup. I'm wearing all black today. Well, except for my underwear. They're bright pink. But I couldn't find my black ones. ;) Besides that, everything I'm wearing is black.

Man. The painkillers are wearing off. The ache in my belly is getting worse. Hurts so badly...

Mm. Itchy nose.

I think I'm gonna go reply to Wayne's email...Yup. I think I just have enough time for that.

'Til next time, my friends.



PS, "Hey Mom, where's dad?" "Halfway to Edmonton by now, I expect." "AAAAAAAAARGHHH!!"
