In which I need a hug
September 17, 2001 - 3:57 p.m.





c me...

...I'm feeling all insignificant and worthless again...I think what brought it on was the thought that my little brother might get to go on Rotary Exchange, something that I've been trying for years...and he hasn't given it even a thought...

And it was rather unfair to begin with. Alright, so unless you turn 16 by the departure date, you're less likely to be considered as a candidate for Rotary. And I wouldn't, seeing as the departure date was early September, and my birthday is in mid-October. So there's strike one for me. So I applied next year, except you aren't as likely to be considered if you'd be gone in your grade twelve year. And guess what. Yes, that's right. I'd be gone in my grade twelve year. So I am going to apply /again/, because I know Ian went the year after he graduated. But still, it's got me bummed. Quite blue.

Oo, but I was talking to Martina, and she said that one the pantomime practice on Sunday people were commenting how odd it was to do a play without me in it. Heh. And I can see where they're coming from, seeing as I havn't /not/ been involved with a local play since two years ago...except...two small casted productions that I can think of.

*sigh* But anyway...I'm really in need of a hug right now...

But on the bright side my period is almost finished! *joy!* *sparkle!*

...but I'm still in need of a hug...from someone who doesn't mind that I havn't had a shower today...

...*sigh*...I wanna go to an SCA event...that would make me feel better...lots...

...but a hug is just as good...ya...

But I run now. Yes, that's what I do. I can't think of anything else to say.



