In which I freak out normals and discuss the changes that grade twelve has brought on...
September 26, 2001 - 2:34 p.m.






Ah, life is good now. It definately is.

Back to normal, or as normal as my life ever gets. ;)

So we had no school today, and I decided, last night, this would be a good oppurtunity to go out for coffee with Nathen. So I phoned, we made plans, and I went and met him at noon today.

I never realized just how much I missed spending time with him. Heheheh. Apart, we're bearable. Together, we wreak some serious insane havoc. ;)

So he's going to quit the SCA for a while, grow his hair long, start a new persona, quit the McRoy household...or so he told me. He's still iffy about going to Golden Swan, because of financial problems and the fact that the Inn Ni might not be there. There's a chance, but we're all crossing our fingers. Everyone desperately wants it to be there. That would be a Good Thing, it would.

I support his idea of killing of Aron McRoy and starting an entirely new, seperate persona. I think that's what I'm eventually going to do with Marie. Kill her off. I might actually, at the end of my fostering period, decline to be in the household and kill Marie at the same event. I've been researching lately, and I think I'm going to focus on Spain, Italy and France at the moment. I want a female character from one of those places...probably Spain as it's looking right now...And a male persona from one of those places. This is another Good Thing.

Heehee. I downloaded the song Big Fat Road Manager by the Arrogant Worms. It's a /great/ song. Download it! Now! Do as I say! You must, because I know everything, the world bows to me and universe revolves around me. Duh. Of course. I'm female, I'm sixteen, I /know/ these things. ;)

I'm glad I'm still friends with Nathen, I am. Or 'chums' as he put it jokingly. ;) We confused so many people down on Baker Street...

"You turkey."

"You rooster."

"So I'm a rooster, huh?"


"Well you're a cocktail napkin."

"A /cocktail/ /napkin/?!"

"A cocktail napkin."

"'re a bar coaster."

"A /bar coaster/?!"


"Well...what brand?"


"Hmm. I can handle that."

"Damn you!"

"You're emery cloth."

"/Emery/ cloth?!"


"Hmm...I can handle that. I mean, I can smooth all sorts of things..."

"So you're saying I just have to rub you across things to make them smooth?"


"So if I rubbed you across me, I'd be smooth?"

"Yup...well, I'm not too good for shaving."

"Oh. Dammit."

"... ya bar coaster..."

"...emery cloth..."

"Bar coaster."

"Emery cloth.

"Bar coaster!"

"Emery cloth!"

"Well nyaahh!

"Nyaaah on you too!...Hey, why are we walking this way?"

"I dunno, why are we?"

"Because we started walking this was and I thought it would be a good idea to continue going this way."

"Oh ya did, ya bar coaster."

"That's right, you emery cloth..."

Well, you get the picture. ;) It was amusing. Quite. We freaked out one little girl quite severely. Okay, not so much freaked as she was splitting her sides laughing...and I don't blame her. ;P

Mm. My shoulder is sore. Maybe I should sit up straight. That would be a good thing.

Nathen is trying to convince me to move to K...K...Damn. I can't rememeber the name of the place...Not Kamloops, not Kimberly, or Creston or...damn. It's on the tip of my tongue...Kelowna! That's it. He's trying to convince me to move to Kelowna when he goes once I graduate. I agreed to (I need a change of place), so long as he found me a job and some place to live. That would be an Excellent Thing...But I don't know how I could handle it on my own...A little seventeen year old girl own on her own already...

Y'know, I don't feel like I should be graduating yet. I feel so /young/. So unready, y'know. Well, not so much unready...Okay. Yes. I feel unready. I don't feel up to this quite yet. I want to live at home, study, that sort of thing. I'm not prepared to try and fend for myself.

Why do I feel so young all of a sudden? Compared to a lot of my friends, I'm barely half their age, a mere whippersnapper. A young 'un. Or maybe I'm just really unstable right now, which is causing me to feel incredibly young. So many changes, too fast. I don't like it, personally.'s exciting, you know, but I'm not ready to be thrown into today's society in the condition I'm currently in. Which is kind of befuddled...

Or maybe...Oh, hell. I dunno. As I said, I feel really young, unsure, nervous, excited, and fearful at the same time. I know there are a lot of people who look out for me, who would help me if I got in a tight spot, but everything that was on the horizon for so many years is now looming close and I don't know if I like what I see.

My taste in music is slowly changing. I mean, I've started listening to some Metallica, LIVE, Nickelback, McCuaig...Harder stuff than I'm used to. And I /love/ it. I'm used to the soft musical music and silly music and traditional music...and I've gotten in to opera quite a bit lately. Not that I'm complaining, but everything is changing. It's kind of discombobulating.

Oo, but I got the Stagecraft business sorted out. This is all good and stuff.

Oh, I went to see McGnarley's Rant last night. /WOW/! If I had had money, I would have bought one of their albums. It was /great/. A pity their generally a bar band. They just decided to do a free concert in the park. A lot of people turned up. The opening band was okay, but they needed more varience in their songs. And lyrics. Other than that, they had potential, but not much else. Kangaroo, I think they were called.

I should go finish my embroidery...I have a couple favors that I made which the initial idea was okay, but they just don't work now. Have you ever had something that just /didn't work/? I mean, it's pretty, but...well...something about it is just wrong. It doesn't work. It doesn't produce the intended effect, which, I was hoping, would be admiration and amazement. This is just 'Oh, that's pretty', without a second thought. I like things I give to me 'Ohmygod! That is so /beautiful/!'. That's what I like. That's why I put so much time in to my art projects. Speaking of which, I really need to get busy on my set design. It's only about half done. It's coming along. There's still something not quite right with it, but people are saying "God, Rosie! It's perfect. What else could you do to it?" but there's something just plain /wrong/ with it. I'm not pleased with it. When I work on it more it'll be better, but until then I'll fret and figure out what's wrong with it.

You know what I've noticed? I write a lot in my diary. About nothing, really, just what ever happens to be on my mind at the moment...

Mmm. How You Remind Me by Nickelback is a good song. Happily vicious. Fang baring glorious glee. I /like/ this sort of music.

Where as, a couple of weeks ago, I wouldn't have liked it /nearly/ as much.

Hm. My mother always complains that I don't shower enough. I do shower, when I need it. I don't see the point of showering when I don't need it. The thing is, while I like being clean and smelling sweet, I find that for a good few hours, unless I warm up and dry off /really/ fast, I get really cold and my skin gets really dry. Right now (I showered before I went out for coffee...though I only ever drink tea) the skin of my hands is dry. Not quite as dry as usual because I used some sweet smelling moisturizer on my hands and bosom earlier. Even then, my hands are colder and dryer than I like them. Which is why I don't shower until I need to. The cold I'm talking about is that slight icy chill that you get sometimes. I don't like it. Which is a reason why I hate showering in the morning, too.

Heh. Arrogant Worms again. Forgive Us, We're Canadian. I havn't met a song yet of theirs I don't like. ;)

I gotta go pee, so I think I'm gonna wrap this up and stop thinking. I might think of something else I wanna say...

Man, I wish I could find my rings...I miss them really badly, and I've looked everywhere I might have left them...

I gotta do some embroidery for Laura. I wonder how much it costs to send a big package up to Prince George...

Anyway, I gotta pee, as I mentioned before, so thoughts go off, and I end this. ;)

Adieu, 'til later, my friends.


