In which I have a scuffle with my mother *again*
September 30, 2001 - 6:04 p.m.






Dude, I don't know how much more of my mother I can stand. She's like a frail little witch with evil claws and I'm just waiting for the time when I walk in to the kitchen and she's summoning demons from the oven.

She's really, /really/ grating on my nerves. I try my best to see things from her point, but I wish she would do the same for me. I'm barely past my mid-teens! Sheesh! I'm not all /that/ responsible yet, though I do try, and I /do/ /not/ think like an adult. I think like a teenage girl. I try to think like an adult when I'm in conflict, but when it comes right down to it, I'm not. I am absoloutely in no way an adult, and I would not survive on my own at this point in time.

Absoloutely no way.

I have a headache because me and my mother had a little bit of a scuffle and I finally settled to sitting in the sun for a while. I hate sitting in the sun. You know how much I hate sitting in the sun. It hurts my eyes and it burns my skin.

So I'm sitting on the porch with my headphones on, quietly crying and slowly burning. So I eventually snuck back inside, took all of my needlework and locked myself in my room.

I cannot stand being called a lier. My mother does sometimes, and I /hate/ it. I am tempted to tie and gag her and leave her in a closet somewhere.

That's how much I can't stand her.


