In which I dicuss Swan through a haze of pain
October 02, 2001 - 9:20 p.m.






Shit. I am in quite considerable pain right now, dispite my excitement for Golden Swan this weekend.

It started on my right side, around my scar...the pain, I mean, not Golden Swan. Silly...It started around my scar, a deep kind of pain, not the surface skin pain I get when my scar is pulled, or when it rips (yeah, sometimes it does, not much and not often, but sometimes it rips and bleeds). A deep kind of pain, going all the way along the curve of my hip bone, and through to my back. It still hurts like a bitch.

Let me explain the size of my scar, first. My hand is approximately seven inches long from heel to middle finger tip. Now, look at your right hip. See where it kind of sticks out a bit? Yeah, right there. Put the middle of the heel of your hand on there, then move you whole hand up 'til it just touches the end of your hand. Now place hand along the line of your hipbone, middle finger pointing towards your crotch. Now add three inches to the end. This should venture rather...well...close. It should. That's how long my scar is. And all of it hurts. Right through to my back.

Oooowie.../fuck/ (excuse my language)...a bit of a more painful burst there...

Oo/ow/...Maybe I should go find a painkiller or two, or drink some gensing or echinaccia tea...

I'll loosen my pants, maybe that has something to do with it, but they're not particularely tight...freakin' *blankblank*...Well, I know I'll be taking some painkillers to Swan this weekend...though it /is/ nice being waited on hand and foot by males...;) Well, chances are the first aide people there would first look me over quite thoroughly, maybe take me to the hospital, and that wouldn't be a Good Thing, so I'll just take some painkillers with me...

Man, I plan to work my little behind off this event, and I can't /wait/...I'm going to help at both feasts (hopefully), as well as bring something for the potluck feast...maybe I'll waterbear, too...that'd be interesting, though I'll have to remember to take some suntan lotion (bleagh)...

Fuck it hurts...

Usually I don't swear so, but it /really/ hurts...

The docters think it's because of some organ of mine releasing water, and the pressure from the released water is what is painful...well /duh/ it's painful...that's how they originally found out about my creepy twin horned uteri thingie...

Anyway, I'm in a great deal of pain, so I think I'm going to go find some painkillers and go to bed. This sounds like a Good Idea to me...

Oo, good news! I only need fifteen more dollars to scrape my way to Golden Swan. :)

And with thus, I run.


