In which I sigh about Martina's skirt
October 03, 2001 - 11:20 a.m.






Man, Martina is really beautiful today. I saw her in the hall in it was just, like...erg...ah...eeeheeehee...Exactly like that.

She is, if you didn't know, about as tall as me, possible a couple inches shorter, about 5' 8", soft brown hair...She's got a very traditional sort of face, with wide set eyes, and the kind of thin light hair that puffs into the very traditional bun at the nape of her neck. Small silver hoop earrings, a long sleeved rose coloured soft sweater like shirt, v-neck (if I remember correctly) and the sleeves that go halfway down your hands. And her skirt, oh! I am envious of that skirt. Tight around the waist and hips, but not too tight as to cut in to your flesh, hugging the hips tightly, then loosening out around the thighs to flare at the ankles. And it's floor length, to boot. A soft black. It's a stunning skirt.

And the way she lifts up one side of her skirt carefully with one hand as she walks down the stairs is so /pretty/...Man, I wish I looked like her...Then again, being me is a heck of a lot of fun, too. ;)


