In which I have thoughts on Anthrax and my ear hurting
October 17, 2001 - 5:35 p.m.






You know what I think would be really funny? Of course, it'd be also really stupid and piss a lot of people off, but I'm just /wishing/ someone would do it...

What with the Anthrax scares all over the place, I'm just waiting for someone to dump a bag of white flour over their head and go running, screaming, down Baker Street. ;) As I said, it would piss a lot of people off, but again, it would also be quite amusing...after the initial shock and wanting to kill the fool...;)

...I'm getting kind of bored with the Anthrax bit. I know, I know, I sound (and feel) pretty damn insensitive, but didn't it ever cross anyone's mind that even before Sept. 11th, for a long time, from everywhere, Anthrax could have undoubtably been spread? I mean, it's not like it never existed before a month ago...

Then again, I'm just an ignorant teenager. What do I know? ;)

Hmm. My ear hurts. I don't really know why. I mean, there's a little sore spot in one of the tight, hard to get at folds, and it /hurts/...I don't know what's wrong with it, but the same thing happens every now and then in various areas of my ear.

Go fig, eh?

Bugger. Short entry today. Dinner time, y'know. ;)


