In which I figure out the use of one's butt, and have a marvelous weekend.
October 22, 2001 - 11:42 a.m.






I've discovered what bums are for! I feel so proud of myself.

See, most people think that your butt is for sitting on...A sort of 'personal pillow' as it were.

But they're wrong. They're /all/ wrong, I tell you!

They're not for your personal enjoyment and comfort, but for other people's enjoyment and comfort.

See, if it weren't for the existance of the butt, a masseuse (who, chances are, are good friends with the person they're sitting on) would have a difficult time trying to massage without breaking the poor fellow's back that they happen to be working on. Either that, or breaking their own wrists trying to cock them at strange angles.

It makes so much sense, I can't be wrong. :)

I've also come to another conclusion. Events + Me = Soreness. Always, no matter what I'm doing or where I'm sleeping, I always return from an event with something that's incredibly stiff and sore. This time it's my thighs, the backs of my shoulders and my back. I know why, though. Massages. Several of them, and some of those guys were tough, so it took quite a bit of effort to get them loosened up.

Oh yes. My weekend.

Yay for the SCA! God, I don't know what I'd do without it. Probably lead a very boring, meaningless existance.

But I had a /stunning/ weekend. Absoloutely stunning. Fantasmic. Spendaculous. It was great. Saw lots of people I'd met at other events. Stuff like that. Met a /whole/ lot of new people. Tons. I think they liked me. I /hope/ they liked me. I don't like annoying people (too much, anyway ;P).

And I saw Laura! Yaaaaaaaaaay for Laura! It was great. When we drove up to the restaurant at Scot's Motel (Hotel? Ah, who cares) we see this little ball of squeels leap up from one of the tables and com hurtling out of the door and /smack/, right into the car window (I made sure the lock the car door when I saw the thing coming ;P). I don't think she even took any of the stairs.

It was lovely to see her again. And we went in and met all the people. And in the bunch were a few of the squires I had met at Golden Swan. Ian, and the guy who's name I can't remember, and /still/ can't remember. He wasn't going to event, but was merely there to meet a friend, but Ian was gonna fight, and he did really well. He's a good fighter (and I /looove/ his chainmail).

Speaking of chainmail, there's a great song that one of the guys sung that I gotta get the words to...I remember part of the first verse: "There's something about a man in chainmail...There's something a woman wearing nothing at all...but a boustier, a bodice, a girdle, a belt, tights, a skirt, an overdress, and a full circle cloak..." and I don't remember the rest of that verse. I think the chorus went something like: "So huzzah for the me's, the you's, the thee's, the thou's, huzzah for the Royalties...Huzzah for the S-C-A."

It was a great song. I laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed...

Oo! Speaking of songs, Laura bullied me into enterting the bardic competition. And I knew I wasn't good enough to win, but I never really enter to win, I always enter just to entertain, to sing. I've got a pretty voice, but it's not outstanding in any way (just like the rest of me).

Some peopl entered two or three pieces. Being that I only know two appropriate songs, and someone told me Roy was going to be singing The Scotsman, I decided to sing The Irish Immigrants Lament (which was good, because it's the only other song I know). It's a lovely little song...Okay. It isn't exactly little. It's got...let's verses to it. Then again, it doesn't have a chorus. But it's a lovely sad song. Unfortunately a lot of people did sad songs, but hey. It was all good because the other half did funny songs. So it was all good.

But anyway...Oh yes, we were kicked out of the hall so the feastocrat could move tables and squeeze more people in, so we were kicked out into the lobby. The Queen! In the lobby! Of all the /nerve/...;) Nah, she didn't mind and we didn't mind, but we were all grateful when Rick decided to pull out of the competition. (He plays the bagpipes, and if he were playing the bagpipes in the lobby that was filled with people, everyone would have been deaf afterwards.)

So I sing this song. Only cracked once or twice, which is good for the degree of nervousness I was experiencing. Everyone liked it, even the fellow who sang the previously mentioned song that I really liked. As I said, I'm not a spectacular singer, but I'm better than some.

But anyway, to the great part. The feast commenced after the bardic competition finished, and we all piled into the hall.

There was some misunderstanding between Laura and her father, so Laura didn't make it to the feast, but we saved her dessert, and that was the best part, so she was happy. (She turned up after the food had finished.)

And the results for the bardic competition were being announced. So I'm like, what ever. I'm not going to win. I never win. But I had fun and did good so I'm happy...mmm...chicken...and spinach...pastry thingies...and...mmm...

So the Queen was standing up front going:

"First off, I'd like to call up three people who's performances I particularely enjoyed. Would Marie of Frozen Lake--" Although I'm from Frozen Mountain, the likelyhood of there being a Marie of Frozen Lake around were slim, so I concluded she meant me. "--and so-and-so-and-so-and-so and Roy of the Wolf Pack please step forward."

And I'm like /what/?! kind of deal. Me?! Certainly not. But I wasn't exactly going to stay were I was. So I went up front and Her Majesty was like:

"First off, Marie sang a beautifully sad song..." etc, etc. I don't actually remember what she said, but obviously she'd never heard the song before. Most people havn't I think, which is why I learnt it.

And so I got a token from the Queen. It was nice. I'm very proud of myself. I didn't win any place, as I was expecting, but it was all good, because Her Majesty liked my song.

And Siobhan bought me a congradulatory Coke. She would have bought me a congradulatory beer, save for my being underage (and me not liking beer that much). ;)


So anyway, the event went well, and I think the Wolf Pack people who were there liked me.

I know the leader-dude-guy-person-yeah was surprised and pleased when I sent the first platter of food that one of the servers was bringing to the high end of the table. After all, the end I was sitting at was full of newbies (and Greg, but he never talked much except to complain amusedly about being demoted to the newbie table). So I think he was pleased with me. So that's all good. I made a good impression there. And Rick wore one of the pairs of fighter pants (which I never finished) to battle. I was pleased. Michelle was pleased. In fact, everyone was pleased. So it was all good.

Heh. One of the maids at the hotel asked Scotty if he was Satan. She was freaked out by us. It was amusing. I tried to twist Scott's hair into horns (he's got wonderful curly firery red hair) but it didn't stay very well. It was fun, though.

Let's see...I only gave three back massages and one hand massage and one neck massage, but I think that's all good. I'm sore from it, so I must have been doing it right.

I discovered Nathan's (yes, there's another Nathan) sides are ticklish. Unfortunately, he found out my feet are ticklish, and so had one hand wrapped around my ankle for the remainder of the massage, just in case I took to running my fingernails across his sides. Heheheheheheh...

Gawds. I know so many Nathan's and Nathanials'...There's Nathan from this past weekend, my friend and ex Nathan, gaming Nathan (also known as Nat), theatre Nathan (also known as Girlie), and Nathan from Golden Swan. Too many Nathans, if you ask me.

Mmm. I should go. It's getting close to class time. I don't want to go to Math today. I can't remember whether I have a test today or not. I don't think so, but there's a good chance that I'm wrong.

Chapter six, I think. Ooo, I think there is a test today. And I told my mother there wasn't. Bad me. (I forgot, cut me some slack here.)

Anyway, I really should run. I'll probably give another entry later today, definately tomorrow, giving highlights of my weekend along with all the glorious boring dribble.

Oh, I bought a blond wig and decided to be Marilyn Munroe for Halloween. Couldn't find a dress, though. I'll find one eventually. :)

Adieu, mes amies, 'til we speak again.


