In which the school is evacuated for unknown reasons
October 24, 2001 - 12:30 p.m.






Well! This, so far, has certainly been an interesting day.

So first half was okay, but nothing out of the ordinary. I peter around, wasting time, trying to give myself a snout. Of course, it doesn't work too well, and my nose is still slightly sticky from the nose and scar wax I was using. It's /really/ hard stuff to work with. Incredibly sticky.

And so lunch arrives, and I go off and buy my lunch (yay! Lunch money today!) and I'm about to head up to my usual haunt ("The Stairwell") to sit around with friend, when I crash head long in to this stampede coming down the stairs, and choruses of:

"Don't go up there!"

"They're doing an air exchange up there because of some bad air."

"Someone opened something that's making everyone cough."

"They're evacuating the third and forth floor!"

And even one: "Eeeeeeeeaaauugh!" though that might have been me.

So I'm like, "Dude. Okee dokee, if you say so."

So Martina and I trek it down to the first floor and settle on a bench to eat lunch. Co-incidentily we both had the same thing: chicken fingers and fries. Mmmm...chicken...and out of the blue we hear over the intercom:

*BZZT* "Will all students and teachers at this time evacuate the building. You may stay nearby outside, but stay /out/ of the school." *BZZT*

And Martina and I are like whoa! and it's all like, whoa! and dude and stuff so we head outside, meet the rest of the 'stairwell crew' who, being out of their natural territory (the stairwell), are as dazed and confused as we are.

So we snag a bench and twiddle our thumbs and eat lunch and etc, etc, etc...And it was all good.

Then we see all the students heading up to the student parking lot, with teachers prodding 'em from behind.

And we're like: Dude! Whoa!

But we headed up there too, like good little cattle (baa-aaa-aaa..) and stood around an bugged people with showtunes and Martina's self-unfolding umbrella.

And the firetruck came. Two of 'em. And the firemen just stood around a bit, then told all the students to go inside...without actually going in themselves...

So now we're all inside this susposedly 'non-contaminated' air filled school, and it's eerily quiet, and when I look aruond I can see people with their nostrils flared, trying to pick up if anything is strange about the air...

It does kind of feel slightly thick to breath, but chances are it's my imagination playing tricks on me again.

Anyway, that's what just happened.

Snazzy, eh?


