In which I complain, and love being alive
October 29, 2001 - 9:36 p.m.






Man, I gotta go pee. I went out for tea with Colleen and drank a lot...tea, I mean...

Yeah, Colleen was complaining about her relationship with Taylor. I mean, he's sweet and wonderful, but she can't say yes for her entire life or even the sweetest of guys will walk all over her.

That's my advice, anyway.

*sigh* I'm having some serious problems working with Lynn in stagecraft right now. Lynn, sure, has gone through college and done all this theatre stuff and great! Like I care! I mean, if I need her help I'll ask her for it. I don't /necissarily/ need it. Maybe I do. I just really can't stand the way she always says:

"You better thank me that I'm here. You need me."

And I just want to go AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! No, I /don't/. I /don't/ need you to do everything for me, I don't /want/ you to do everything for me...

...hang on...nature's screaming in my right back...

Aaaah. Much better. And I have a carrot in with the bargain. Life is Good...

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Bitching about Lynn. I mean, I really do like the girl a lot, but I have a really difficult time working with her because, frankly, she's a know-it-all and I really have a hard time dealing with people like that...I mean, if it's a brief thing that doesn't happen all the time, I'm okay. It'll pass. I know I go through stages like that, but when it's all the bloody time, it really grates my nerves. I get along with her just peachily outside of working with her, but when it comes down to working the lighting it's 'I know this' and 'I can do this' and 'You should know this, but you don't and I do' and 'What? You don't know that term? It's regular theatre lingo..'...And frankly, I DON'T CARE!! I mean, I'm still in high school here. She's been through college, and seems to 'know it all', but I need to learn /somehow/...preferably from a teacher...that would be nice...

But it really is annoying. I probably annoy people in the exact same way, but I prefer to work with people on a partner basis rather than a 'Yes, I'm your evil little minion but I still know more than you and am going to take over' type thing.

Rr. Can you tell it annoys me? Yes. It annoys me.

You know what I realized today?

I really like being alive.

I mean, I really and truely /love/ being me. Every fibre of my being I'm glad it's there (or not there, in the case of my right kidney ;P) and I'm glad I'm here and doin' what I'm doin' and having the time of my life.

So many people just breeze through their youth, trying to be older, and then spend the rest of their lives trying to be younger.

Not me, thank you very much. I'm going to enjoy my younthfulness as much as I bloody well can.

I mean, look at me! I'm strong, young, healthy, and most of my parts work the way they're supposed to. My skin is firm and creamy and smooth and only dimpled in the cute places. The right bouncy parts are bouncy, the firm places are firm, the perky parts are perky, and it's never going to be like this again.

I figure I'm going to die early from kidney failure or some other horrible occurance, so I intend on living out every moment I can while I still function properly. And so far I'm having a blast, the best times of my life. ;)

Sure, there's always down points, but that's the way life goes, eh?

Mmm...I gotta run, though. Bed time.

Ooo. Nice song just came on. I wonder what it is...Fuck! My fucking older brother shut off my music and put on his. I /hate/ when people touch my music. What gives them the right to? I mean, how do they know I hadn't finished listening to it, mm? And the pissy thing is the next song was the new song I'd downloaded but hadn't heard yet, and I didn't even get to hear the /beginning/ self-centered bro just flicked it over without asking...I hate that...


