Of typing, books and perfume
November 02, 2001 - 11:54 a.m.






It really facinates me to watch myself type. I wonder how I ever got to be this good? I kind of wonder how fast exactly I can type? And why do people always glance over at my keyboard when I'm writing things during school?

I remember this one time Jeremia was having a hell of a time typing out his project for CAPP, I think it was. And I was sitting at the computer next to him, hardly able to bear it. He would look at his screen, look at my keyboard, look at his paper, look at his keyboard, find the letter he was looking for, type it, then look at the screen, look at my keyboard, look at his paper, look at his keyboard, find the letter he needed, type it, then look at the screen...you get it. It was dreadful, and he'd hardly gotten any of it done by the time I'd finished mine.

So I offered to type it for him. Even though--no. Wait. Correction. It was social studies, the year that there was a group of guys making my life a living hell, and the damn teacher did nothing because he was a gym teacher and they were jocks. I hated that class with a passion.

I don't know why I offered to type it for him. Maybe I'm just too damn soft hearted for my own good. Maybe I'm just stupid. But he was grateful anyway, and I got it finished in under three minutes. It was a very flimsy project. I wonder what he got on it...I even corrected spelling and grammer for him, because it was absoloutely atrocious...

Hm. I've decided I no longer like the perfume Fetish. I mean, it used to be my absoloute favorite perfume, but now it smells so.../fake/. It's kind of icky, actually. Strong, weirdly 'clean' smell, like most men's aftershaves and colognes are now.

I've taken a liking to natural flavours over the past little while. Vanilla is one of my favorites. Narural smelling flower scents, pine needles, that kind of thing...Usually, when I'm walking by some sort of evergreen, I break off a few needles and crush them in my hands to make my hands smell nice. You have to be careful doing that, though, because there's this one tree (some sort of ceder like tree) that smells really nasty when you do that. It's safest to stay with the short bright needles. They smell nice. Avoid hedges, too. You can never tell with hedges.

Hm. I need to do laundry quite badly.

I think I'm going to go visit Brennain and Mystica tonight, and /pray/ and hope that Eric has left. Cross your fingers for me.

Not much else to talk about...and I still have fourty five minutes of lunch left...dangit...

I started reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. It's not my general preferred type of book; I usually go for fantasy novels, or fantasy/history novels, and the occasional sci-fi.

Hmm. Someone's trying to break into one of the computers down the line here...oop...he up and left...well, serves him right.

You know, right behind me there's a trapdoor in the library floor. I saw someone open it and go down it once. I wonder what's down it. They said it goes all under the school. That'd be pretty neat. Said they could hear things coming from the gym, that there's trapdoors like this all over the school. I wouldn't be surprised if there were trapdoors all over the first floor...Maybe I'll go on an adventure and check sometime.

People don't go on enough adventures. I want to go on an adventure. Life can only vary so much in this tiny city, and I think I've nearly reached the end...well, technically, no, I havn't. I could try every sort of drug that's available on the streets, but that tends not to be a very good idea...

Oh, I got a note from Tiffany (or Tiff, or if you'd /really/ prefer, Tiffiekins) this morning. I think she's got a crush on my little brother. I will admit, David is a dashing bit of work, but really, I don't think he's worth it. I know I certainly wouldn't go for him, but I tend to avoid arrogant jocks myself.

But what ever. If Tiff wants him, she can have him, if she can catch him...

...which reminds me of the time my little bro tried to get away from my older bro by riding his bike...and Martin just sprinted and caught up with David peddling his fastest, and pulled him off his bike and threw him on the ground...I can't remember why David was trying to get away from him in the first place, but no one got hurt...I don't think that was the intention anyway...

Hm. I think I run now. It's 12:10, and I could do with finding a better book to read...not that Tom Sawyer isn't a good book, it's just not the type I get in to easily...same with Gone With the Wind...I'm damn glad I read it, but it was really hard to get in to...

Anyway, I run. Adieu, mes amies, 'til we speak again.


