Romeo and Juliet
November 04, 2001 - 11:47 a.m.






I'm watching Romeo and Juliet right now. The newer version with what's his face...y'know, that really cute guy who was in Titanic...what ever his name is. That guy. That one.

It's a good movie. I know people bash it a lot because it's...well...a version of Shakespeare, but when you really look at it, when you take everything in to account, it really is good. It's quite excellent the way they translated the text into modern times.

Ooo. Mercutio just died. I always cry at this part. Shakespeare never fails to make me cry, no matter how many times I watch it.

And off runs Romeo to track down Tybult...The guy who plays Tybult...Tybil? Something like that. Anyway, the guy who plays him is an excellent actor in my opinion. I really like him. He fits the part very well.

Oo. There goes Tybult. And now some chick is crying all over him. I think it's Juliet's mother. I'm not sure, though.

Man, last year at the Shakespeare festival, one of the instructors did Romeo's monologue from...uh...when he's talking to the priest. The 'Exile? Exile?! Be merciful, say death!'. That monologue. It was really, /really/ good. Very simple, but he did it really well. Probably why he was the instructor and I was merely a student. ;)

Oo. Here we go. This monologue...

Okay. It's over now. Ooo. Pretty ring.

Hmm. I smell bad. I think, after I get off the computer, I'm gonna have a shower. That sounds like a good idea. My hair needs some good scrubbing.

WHAT?!! Commercials! But this channel, like, /never/ puts commercials in their movies! I love this channel, by the way. Bravo, I think the name of the channel is. It does a lot of old movies and theatre productions. That's why I like it. Old movies and theatre productions are /great/. Fantasmic. I saw the Pirates of Penzance on stage once on this channel. It was done really well.

Bah. Commercials. Shakespeare and commercials do /not/ mix.

I'm cold. I shoulda put on a jacket before I got on the computer. It's too damn cold in the basement. Probably because there's no heat in the basement. Come to think of it, there's not much in the basement besides piles and stacks of crap that we never use, canned food, preserves, fruit, the cat dish, the freezer, and my mom's dress-ups that she's been collecting over the years.

Yay! Movie's back. Romeo's coming to Juliet's window to spend the night with romantic...

Oop! Gotta run. Bro needs the comp and he's going out soon so I /suppose/ I'll be nice and let him on...

Okiedokie buhbye.


